Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer

It’s Your Livelihood.
Your Wellbeing at Work is Equally as Important off the Clock.

Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney

Have you been sexually harassed at work? Please call Theory Law at (310) 500-0206 to speak with a Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer.

best los angeles sexual harassment lawyer

Sexual Harassment at the Workplace in Los Angeles

Sexual harassment is prohibited under both state and federal law. This does not stop employees from engaging in conduct that is unwelcome and considered sexual harassment.

Every year, hundreds of employees are sexually harassed by their boss, a manager, a supervisor, or even a customer. Typically, the sexual harassment involves a female victim and a male perpetrator.

Forms of Sexual Harassment

For example, a supervisor, manager or employer that requests sexual favor in return for a promotion, raise, or continued employment is a form of sexual harassment. Some other forms of sexual harassment include unwelcome touching, offensive remarks or display of pornographic photographs or videos at the workplace.

Employer Liability of Sexual Harassment

The employer must have knowledge of the sexual harassment. When the perpetrator of the sexual harassment is a non-supervisor employee, the company must have knowledge of the harassment and fail to do something about it before it can be held liable. In this situation, if the sexual harassment is reported to a supervisor, manager or owner, then the company may be liable.

However, when the perpetrator of the sexual harassment is a supervisor, manager or owner, then the employer may be held liable for sexual harassment.

What Can You Do if You Experience Sexual Harassment at Work in Los Angeles?

While not a full list of what an employee can do if they were sexually harassed at work in Los Angeles, below are some of the options:

  • Most companies have an employee handbook that describes the reporting procedures for reporting harassment. The employee handbook may have information about who to report the harassment to and how to report it.
  • Once the harassment has been reported in writing, you can save a copy of the report you made.
  • You can make another report to a managerial employee or HR if the harassment does not stop.
  • Save any information you have regarding the harassment.
  • If you are unable to receive help from the employer, contact a Los Angeles employment attorney.

Legal Help from Theory Law

Theory Law has the ability, experience, and resources to protect your rights and accomplish your goals and needs. When you hire Theory Law, a Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer starts aggressively working on your case, so you can take care of the other things in your life. All cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, without case opening fees. 

If you have been a victim of sexual harassment at work, please contact Theory Law to speak with a Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer.

How Can Theory Law Help You?

If you need help regarding a legal matter and would like to discuss it with an attorney, please call (310) 500-0206 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and the attorney will contact you.

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