Los Angeles Whistleblower Attorney

It’s Your Livelihood.
Your Wellbeing at Work is Equally as Important off the Clock.

Los Angeles Whistleblower Lawyer

Were you wronged by your employer after you exposed their unlawful conduct? Please call Theory Law at (310) 500-0206 to speak with a Los Angeles whistleblower attorney.

best los angeles whistleblower attorney

Retaliation Against the Whistleblower

A whistleblower’s decision to expose fraudulent, unlawful, unsafe activity of a private or public company, or government organization may have retaliatory consequences to the person, usually an employee, who exposed the information. However, state and federal law prohibits retaliation against the whistleblower who exposed the information.

It is a decision that is courageous and an act that also serves public interest. Whistleblowing serves public interest because it can hold a company or organization accountable for unlawful activity that affects the public.

Types of Whistleblowing

A whistleblower may reveal unlawful activity, such as fraud or abuse of taxpayer funds, which authorities or officials would otherwise remain unaware about. In other cases, it may reveal information affecting employees and can deter the employer from engaging in similar unlawful activity in the future.

Protection from Retaliation

Federal and state laws, including California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), prohibit retaliation against applicants, employees, and former employees. The laws also prohibit discrimination against the whistleblower who exposed the information. Persons assisting or participating in any manner in proceedings or hearings under the laws are also protected.

Examples of Potential Retaliation Claims:

In certain cases, to be liable for retaliation, the employer must have knowledge that the employee exposed the unlawful activity. Below are some example of potential retaliation claims against an employer, such as an employee:

  1. Who was fired or coerced into quitting for volunteering to testify in support of a coworker’s sexual harassment lawsuit, even though she was never called upon to testify.
  2. Fired after reporting fraudulent activity that the owner engaged in.
  3. Suspended or fired after formal or informal complaints to a supervisor regarding unlawful discrimination (considered a protected activity).

Legal Help from Theory Law

Theory Law has the ability, experience, and resources to protect your rights and accomplish your goals and needs. When you hire Theory Law, a Los Angeles whistleblower lawyer starts aggressively working on your case, so you can take care of the other things in your life. All cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, without case opening fees. 

If you were wronged by your employer after you exposed their unlawful conduct, please contact Theory Law to speak with a Los Angeles employment lawyer.

How Can Theory Law Help You?

If you need help regarding a legal matter and would like to discuss it with an attorney, please call (310) 500-0206 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and the attorney will contact you.

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