San Bernardino LGBTQ Discrimination Lawyer

San Bernardino LGBTQ Discrimination Lawyer

San Bernardino LGBTQ Discrimination Attorney

Suffering discrimination due to your sexual orientation in your place of work is a violation no one can prepare you for. You do not have to face this alone. At Theory Law, our San Bernardino LGBTQ workplace discrimination lawyer is here to stand up for your rights and fight for justice on your behalf.

Whether you have just taken your first steps toward awareness of sexual orientation discrimination in your workplace and want to learn more, or you have been suffering in silence for a long time, we are here to fight for relief from discrimination and for a safe and fair workplace where you can thrive.

Best San Bernardino LGBTQ Discrimination Lawyer

What Is LGBTQ Discrimination and How Does It Manifest in the Workplace?

LGBTQ discrimination refers to unfair treatment and/or prejudice against individuals based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity. This can happen in many aspects of life, and the workplace is, unfortunately, no exception. A San Bernardino employment lawyer can provide unique insight into this type of discrimination.

Discrimination can present in various forms in the workplace and can lead to an unsafe work environment, have damaging effects on employee mental health, and lessen employment opportunities. Examples of challenges individuals in the LGBTQ community may face in an unsafe workplace include inaccessible bathrooms, exclusion from colleagues and activities, reduced or inadequate benefits, and a pay gap from other peers.

Discrimination in the workplace may be subtle, but it can also manifest in obvious and overt ways, such as the following:

  • Refusal to hire.
  • Inadequate training and support.
  • Offensive and inappropriate comments.
  • Denial of rightfully owed benefits.
  • Unequal pay.
  • Unequal job opportunities.
  • Negative performance reviews.

Sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace can have serious impacts on employees, often leading to lower job satisfaction, reduced productivity, mental health issues, and an increased risk of leaving a job. If you are experiencing discrimination due to your sexual orientation, it is important to remember that you are not alone and there are resources to help you.

What Should I Do If I Experience Workplace Discrimination Based on My Sexual Orientation?

In the unfortunate circumstance that you are facing workplace discrimination in San Bernardino based on your sexual orientation, there are several key steps you can take to protect yourself and take action:

  • Document everything. Keep a detailed record of all the incidents you believe are discriminatory. Include the nitty gritty details such as dates, times, individuals involved, witnesses, and any other specific details that are relevant. Save any supporting documents of the discrimination such as emails, performance reviews, disciplinary actions, and more.
  • Report the discrimination. Follow your company’s procedures for reporting discrimination and harassment. There should be detailed instructions in your employee handbook and if not, speak with human resources about the appropriate methods of reporting. If you feel safe and comfortable, consider directly reporting the discriminatory behavior to your manager or supervisor if they were not involved.
  • Consider legal options. An employment lawyer can advise you on your legal rights and options. They will thoroughly analyze your situation and assess the evidence you have gathered to determine the appropriate course of action.
  • Protect yourself. There are several ways to protect yourself further, even if you have engaged in the above suggestions. You can file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to report the discrimination, and you can refer to the Department of Labor resources on employee rights.

Recognizing LGBTQ discrimination is complex and can take time to uncover, but remember, you have the right to a workplace free from discrimination based on your sexual orientation. Take action to document the discrimination to strengthen your case, and consult with a lawyer to know what legal options are available to you. Prioritize your own safety and well-being throughout the process; do not hesitate to ask for help.

FAQs for LGBT Discrimination Attorneys

Q: Is California LGBTQ Friendly?

A: The state is generally considered to be an LGBTQ-friendly state within the United States. There are legal protections through anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, employment, public accommodations, and other areas. Another reason why this state is thought to be LGBTQ-friendly is its legalization of same-sex marriage in the state. With a large LGBTQ community and laws that encourage the acceptance of all people, the state is thought to be LGBTQ-supportive.

Q: What Is the Gender Identity Law in California?

A: The gender identity law generally refers to the California Gender Recognition Act, which streamlines the process for state residents to change their gender markers on official documents like birth certificates, driver’s licenses, and identity cards. This law also introduced a non-binary gender marker option on these documents, which allows individuals who do not identify as exclusively male or female to have a gender marker.

Q: What Percentage of Lawyers Are LGBTQ in California?

A: The percentage of lawyers who are LGBTQ in the state (reported in 2021 with data gathered by the state bar) is 71% of practicing attorneys. These attorneys span the private, government, and nonprofit sectors of legal practice.

Q: What Is the California Education Code for LGBTQ?

A: The California Education Code for LGBTQ addresses several methods of protecting and promoting the well-being of LGBTQ students. This code prohibits discrimination against students based on their gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in public schools and at some non-religious private schools. This code also states that schools must provide inclusive sexual education that addresses the needs of LGBTQ students.

Speak With a San Bernardino LGBTQ Discrimination Lawyer Today to Receive the Support You Deserve

At Theory Law, we understand how upsetting and life-impacting discrimination due to your sexual orientation in the workplace can be. The effects of this type of treatment are far-reaching and not only emotionally damaging but financially damaging too, and can impact your future employment security in some cases. We take these types of cases extremely seriously and have experience working with clients who have faced similar challenges and discrimination as you. 

Reach out today to set up a consultation and get help. You deserve to implement your legal protections and rights and fight for fair and just treatment. 

How Can Theory Law Help You?

If you need help regarding a legal matter and would like to discuss it with an attorney, please call (310) 500-0206 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and the attorney will contact you.

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